School of Music & Worship

Associate of Arts in Music

About the Program

The Associate of Arts in Music is designed for the student who wants to build a foundation in music skills and knowledge and gain the ability to perform and understand music.

What to Expect

The Associate of Arts in Music student will learn music reading, skills in singing or playing an instrument, basic music history, conducting, and how to participate in an ensemble. The student will also have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of musical elective courses.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Applied Principal (4 hours)
Applied Secondary (2 hours)
MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
Ensemble based on principal* (4 hours)
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing and Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing and Ear Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MUS 101. Recital Lab (Every Semester Enrolled as a Music Major) (0 hours)
Music Electives (7 hours)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)

MAJOR ...................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Music/Worship ministry associate
  • Part-time choir director
  • Music store personnel
  • Private music teacher

Program Purpose

Designed to provide a foundation of studies in music.

Associate of Arts in Music Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Music Education

About the Program

The Bachelor of Music Education is designed for the student who plans to pursue a career in teaching music in public or private schools (K-12). The degree is licensed by the Florida Department of Education and leads to licensure as a public school teacher in the area of music.

What to Expect

The Bachelor of Music Education student will gain a firm foundation in musicianship skills, in performance in singing or on an instrument, in music history, piano, conducting, ensemble experience, and in professional music education skills and knowledge. During the program, the student will receive assistance in preparing for certification exams and will take the exams as a part of the degree program.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within the General Education Foundation
MA 220. Finite Mathematics (3 hours)
MH 403. Music History: Antiquity through Baroque (3 hours)*
MH 404. Music History: Classical through 20th Century (3 hours)*
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science. (3 hours)
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom. (3 hours)*

* Hours counted in General Education and in total.

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Music Core
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing/Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing/Ear Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MT 203. Sight Singing/Ear Training III (1 hour)
MT 204. Sight Singing/Ear Training IV (1 hour)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)
MH 302. World Music Cultures and Missions (2 hours)
MH 403. Music History: Antiquity through Baroque (3 hours)*
MH 404. Music History: Classical through 20th Century (3 hours)*

Ensembles (7 hours)
ME Music Ensemble | 7 semester hours according to principal (7 hours)**

MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
MC 310. Advanced Choral Conducting and Literature (3 hours - for choral concentration majors only)
MC 410. Advanced Instrumental Conducting and Literature (3 hours - for instrumental concentration majors only)

Applied Principal (7 hours, 3 hours must be upper level)
Applied Secondary (4 hours)
MUS 101. Recital Lab | Every semester enrolled as a music major (0 hours)
MUS 460. Senior Recital (0 hours)
MG 115. Class Guitar (1 hour)

Professional Education
EDU 2005. Foundations and Curriculum of Education (3 hours)
EDU 3015. Survey of Special Education (3 hours)
EDU 3020. Measurement and Evaluation (3 hours)
ESOL 3710. ESOL Curriculum and Methods (3 hours)
RED 3005. Foundations of Reading: Early and Emergent Literacy (3 hours)
RED 3006. Disciplinary Literacy (3 hours)

(Choose one of the following concentrations)

Choral Music Education Concentration
MUE 211. Introduction to Music Education (3 hours)
MUE 350. Materials and Methods for the Elementary Music Classroom (3 hours)
MUE 351. Materials and Methods for the Secondary Choral Music Classroom (3 hours)
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom K-12 (3 hours)*

MUE 353. Teaching Brass and Woodwind Instruments (2 hours) OR MUE 354. Teaching Strings and Percussion Instruments (2 hours)
MV 411. Vocal Pedagogy (2 hours)
MUE 490. Internship in Music Education (12 hours)

Instrumental Music Education Concentration
MUE 211. Introduction to Music Education (3 hours)
MUE 352. Materials and Methods for the Secondary Instrumental Music Classroom (3 hours)
MUE 353. Teaching Brass and Woodwind Instruments (2 hours)
MUE 354. Teaching Strings and Percussion Instruments (2 hours)
MUE 355. Marching Band Techniques (1 hour)
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom K-12 (3 hours)*
MT 405. Orchestration (2 hours)
MUE 490. Internship in Music Education (12 hours)

MAJOR....................................................85 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Music teacher in K-12 schools in the State of Florida
  • Music teacher in private schools

Program Purpose

Designed for those students who are preparing to teach music K-12 in the public and/or private school.

Bachelor of Music Education Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Arts in Music

B.A. in Music Program

The Bachelor of Arts in Music is designed for the student who desires a flexible music degree program that includes foundational musicianship skills such as music reading, performance in voice or on an instrument, and also includes a significant number of hours in which the student can choose music courses according to interest or anticipated career path. In addition, the degree program allows for courses in other disciplines, such as ministry, business leadership, or education.

What to Expect

The Bachelor of Arts in Music student will receive significant training in music reading, in performance on the instrument of choice, music history, conducting, and ensemble experience. Students have the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge in areas of choice, such as music education, worship ministry, music technology, and instruction on various instruments.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within the General Education Foundation
MH 403. Music History: Antiquity through Baroque (3 hours)*
MH 404. Music History: Classical through 20th Century (3 hours)*
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science (3 hours)
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry (3 hours) OR MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom (3 hours)

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Music Theory (16 hours)
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing Ear Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MT 203. Sight Singing and Ear Training III (1 hour)
MT 204. Sight Singing and Ear Training IV (1 hour)

Conducting (6 hours)
MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
MC 310. Advanced Choral Conducting and Literature (3 hours) OR MC 410. Advanced Instrumental Conducting and Literature (3 hours)

Music History (8 hours)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)
MH 403. Music History: Antiquity through Baroque (3 hours)*
MH 404. Music History: Classical through 20th Century (3 hours)*

Applied Music (12 hours)
Applied Principal - Guitar, Organ, Piano, Voice, Instrumental (8 hours, 3 hours must be upper level)
Applied Secondary – Piano or Voice (4 hours)
MUS 101. Recital Lab (0 hours; each semester)
MUS 460. Senior Recital (0 hours)
Ensembles (8 hours)
ME Music Ensemble-8 semester hours according to principal (8 hours)**

Music Electives............................................................................ (13 hours)

MAJOR....................................................54 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES .............................18 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Concert artist
  • Church staff member with music responsibilities as well as pastoral responsibilities
  • Private music teacher
  • Studio session player
  • Private school music teacher

Program Purpose

The Bachelor of Arts in Music is designed to provide graduates with a strong foundation in musical knowledge and preparation for music ministry, vocations of various types, and graduate study.

Bachelor of Arts in Music Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Bachelor of Music in Worship Leadership

B.M. in Worship Leadership Program

The Bachelor of Music in Worship Leadership is designed for the student who desires to pursue church music/worship ministry.

What to Expect

The Bachelor of Music in Worship Leadership student will gain a firm foundation in musicianship skills such as music reading, competency in singing or playing an instrument, conducting, functional piano, and in areas necessary to succeed in worship ministry and theology, leadership, technology, and administration.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Specializations within General Education Foundation
MH 403. Music History: Antiquity through Baroque (3 hours)*
MH 404. Music History: Classical through 20th Century (3 hours)*
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science (3 hours)
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry (3 hours) OR MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom (3 hours)

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. Introduction to College Composition (3 hours)
ENG 152. Intermediate College Composition (3 hours)
COM 200. Introduction to Speech Communication (3 hours)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. The Humanities: Ancient to Medieval AND HUM 104. The Humanities: Renaissance to Twentieth Century OR HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. Visual Art Appreciation OR any ensemble, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. Survey of American Literature I OR ENG 226. Survey of American Literature II OR ENG 223. Survey of British Literature I OR ENG 227. Survey of British Literature II OR ENG 224. Survey of Christian Literature (3 hours)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. Business Mathematics OR equivalent OR higher (according to major) (3 hours)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. Western Civilization: Earliest Times to 1700 AND HI 212. Western Civilization: 1700 to Present OR HI 223. American History: Age of Exploration to Reconstruction AND HI 224. American History: Reconstruction to Present OR MH 403. Music History and Literature: Antiquity to Baroque AND MH 404. Music History and Literature: Classical to Twentieth Century (according to major) (6 hours)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. Basic Technology for Worship Ministry OR
MUE 360. Technology for the Music Classroom: K-12 (according to major) (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

Music Theory (16 hours)
MT 101. Elementary Harmony (3 hours)
MT 102. Intermediate Harmony (3 hours)
MT 103. Sight Singing Ear Training I (1 hour)
MT 104. Sight Singing Ear-Training II (1 hour)
MT 201. Advanced Harmony I (3 hours)
MT 202. Advanced Harmony II (3 hours)
MT 203. Sight Singing and Ear Training III (1 hour)
MT 204. Sight Singing and Ear Training IV (1 hour)

Conducting (9 hours)
MC 210. Basic Conducting (3 hours)
MC 310. Advanced Choral Conducting and Literature (3 hours)
MC 410. Advanced Instrumental Conducting and Literature (3 hours)

Music History (8 hours)
MH 201. Music Literature (2 hours)
MH 403. Music History: Antiquity through Baroque (3 hours)*
MH 404. Music History: Classical through 20th Century (3 hours)*

Applied Music (14 hours)
Applied Principal - Guitar, Organ, Piano, Voice, Instrumental (8 hours, 3 hours must be upper level)
Applied Secondary - Piano or Voice (4 hours)
Upper Level Applied Course (choose one course related to principal) (2 hours)
MUS 101. Recital Lab (0 hours; each semester)

Ensembles (8 hours)
ME Music Ensemble | 8 semester hours according to principal (8 hours)**

Worship Concentration Core (14 hours)
MU 300. Foundations for Worship (3 hours)
MU 404. Worship Leadership Practice (3 hours)
MU 208. Worship Team and Rhythm Section Leadership (3 hours)
MU 402. Advanced Technology for Worship Ministry (3 hours)
MV 411. Vocal Pedagogy (2 hours)

Worship Concentration Electives (choose 8 hours)*
MG 215. Guitar for Contemporary Worship (2 hours)
MU 401. Use of Arts in Worship (2 hours)
MT 405. Orchestration (2 hours)
MU 409. Song Writing and Choral Arranging (2 hours)
MH 302. World Music Cultures and Missions (2 hours)
MU 207. Worship Ministry Field Study (2 hours)
*(For students whose principal or secondary is not voice, 2 hours in this section must be applied voice.)

Field Experiences (2 hours)
MU 203. Worship Ministry Practicum I (1 hour)
MU 204. Worship Ministry Practicum II (1 hour)

Summative Experiences (2 hours)
MU 415. Field Experience Practicum (2 hours)
MU 420. Senior Recital Project (0 hours

MAJOR....................................................69 SEM/HOURS

*Hours counted in General Education and in total.
**3 Hours of ensemble credit are counted in General Education and in total.
Special notes:
Every music major will be enrolled in an ensemble every semester they are enrolled at BCF.
Every music major will be enrolled in MUS 101. Recital Lab every semester they are enrolled at BCF.
Every music major will be enrolled in a piano class or private lesson every semester until they pass piano proficiencies.

Potential Career Paths

  • Worship pastor
  • Minister of music
  • Worship ministry associate
  • Worship technology director

Program Purpose

The Bachelor of Music in Worship Leadership degree is designed to prepare graduates for successful careers as worship pastors, ministers of music, music media and technology ministers, or Christian artists and performers.

B.M. in Worship Leadership Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from high school and any college attended)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Master of Arts in Music & Worship Leadership

M.A. in Music & Worship Leadership Program

The Master of Arts in Music and Worship Leadership is designed for the worship ministry professional who desires additional training and skills in administration, worship technology, and graduate-level experiences in researching areas of interest related to worship ministry.

What to Expect

The Master of Arts in Music and Worship Leadership student will gain graduate-level skills in musical proficiencies, in worship theology and practice, in supervised internships, and in researching and writing at a master’s level.

Degree Requirements

CORE REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 9 HOURS

GR 501. Introduction to Graduate Research (3 hours)
MS 610. Music Internship (3 hours)
GR 682. Comprehensive Exam and Thesis/Project Preparation (0 hours)
Choose One:
MS 689. Recital Project (3 hours)
MS 690. Music and Worship Graduate Thesis (3 hours)

WORSHIP LEADERSHIP.................................. 9 HOURS

WL 501. Biblical Foundations of Worship (3 hours)
WL 502. History of Christian Music and Worship (3 hours)
WL 607. Music and Worship Ministry Administration (3 hours)

MUSICAL STUDIES ......................................... 12 HOURS

MS 502. Vocal Pedagogy for the Church (3 hours)
MS 503. Worship Service Leadership (3 hours)
MS 504. Advanced Ensemble Leadership (3 hours)
MS 604. Advanced Worship Ministry Technology (3 hours)

TOTAL.............................................................. 30 HOURS

Potential Career Paths

  • Worship pastor
  • Minister of music
  • Worship ministry associate
  • College worship ministry instructor

Program Purpose

The Master of Arts in Music and Worship Leadership is a research and practice-oriented degree designed to equip vocational worship pastors, church musicians, and other Christian workers who desire to develop advanced skills in academic research, understanding and application in the theological foundations for worship, worship leadership, musicianship, and professional administration.

M.A. in Music & Worship Leadership Program Admission Requirements 

  1. Application
  2. Official transcripts requested (from any college attended)
  3. GRE examination (if undergrad GPA was 2.5 or lower)
  4. Master of Arts in Music and Worship Leadership (MAMWL) applicants must possess a regionally accredited baccalaureate degree in music, music education, contemporary worship, or other musically inclined field of study.  In addition, applicants must demonstrate a baccalaureate level of knowledge and proficiency in music theory, music history, and piano through testing and audition by BUF music faculty.


Degrees by Academic Division



SCHOOL of Arts & Sciences


Spangenberg School of Business


School of Music & Worship


School of Education


School of Theology & MINISTRY


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